
You can add multi-factor plus encryption protection to any file in order to protect the data while in transit through email or other sharing means.

File encryption is supported by a Public Key Infrastructure(PKI) in which each user has a public key which is used to encrypt the file. When you encrypt a file, you are first encrypting with only your key giving only you access to the file. You can then add additional users from your contacts list. Typically, your contacts are populated by your administrator with names and email addresses of other users within your business. If a user is not in your contact, it is suggested you ask your administrator to add them rather then inviting them to prevent duplicate entries.

In order to use any encryption features, you must first sign into Data Defense using your previously obtained credentials from your administrator. You will typically only need to sign in once per week assuming you use your desktop and its connected to a network once per day.



  1. If you are not already signed into your Data Defense account, start the sign in process by clicking on Sign In.  




  1. Your default browser should open to an account Sign In page. Enter your credentials and click Sign In.



  1. The Data Defense dashboard should return to the top and download any contacts from your business subscription previously created by your administrators.
  2. Close Data Defense.

  1. Right click on a file you which to encrypt and share and select View/Edit access with Data Defense.

( Note: On Windows 11, you may have to select Show More Options.


  1. Select Encrypt this file to begin the process. 

  1. Authenticate using your default authentication method. Typically this is your Windows Hello sign in. 

  1. Now that the file is encrypted( note the file name has changed to include .d3e ) you can add users or groups ( defined by administrators. ) To add a user, start typing their name in the search window.

  1. Select the user from the presented list.

  1. Click Share

  1. You can continue to add and delete users. When you are done, click Save.

  1. Once again, authenticate using your default authentication method. 

  1. You can now close the permissions manager.