It is possible to reset the drive without the password using the PSID printed on the sticker of the SSD. Note this will completely reset the drive to factor and all data will be erased!


Before starting, record the PSID found on the drive sticker.

Note, drive to be reset should not be running the Windows OS, install as secondary internal drive or place it in a compatible USB enclosure. 

Download PSID revert program from:

Unzip the program

Open an administrator command window

Change directory to the location you unzipped psidrevert.exe

List the available drives : run psidrevert -l

Output will look something like this:

A black screen with white text

Description automatically generated with low confidence

Note the Physical drive number of the Cigent SSD from above. In above case - \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1

Reset the drive run psidrevert -d \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1 -psid_revert <PSID from sticker>