
Deception files are used to track unauthorized access to your system by attracting would-be attackers with file names of high interest in interesting locations, for example passwords.xls in My Documents folder. By default, Cigent creates a default deceptions file called passwords.xls in the each local user’s Documents directory. Attempts to open this file by any user will trigger an Active Lock and force multi-factor authentication for Protected files.



In Windows Explorer, browse to a default deception file location ( typically C:\Users\<Username>\Documents. )

Double click on passwords.xls to attempt to open the file.


You will receive a windows message stating you do not have permission to access this file.


You will also see a notification from Cigent indicating Threat Detected. The dashboard will always have more information on current threats. (Also note the Cigent icon in the task tray is now red.)



Select the Secure Drives tile in the dashboard and then select your drive. Notice that both drives were automatically locked.

Note: Cigent settings allow for Dynamic Drives to remain unlocked when ActiveLock is engaged. Toggle this preference in Settings. 


Open windows explorer. Notice that both P: and L: are no longer visible.


Return to the Dashboard page and click on Clear Alert. Enter your PIN and click Enter.



The security status is now clear. Notice the Cigent icon in the tray has returned to normal. Notice that P: was automatically unlocked. This is the default setting but can be changed in the setting page.


Select the Secure Drives tile and select your drive. Notice that P: has automatically been unlocked but L: remains in locked state. 



Unlock the L: drive. Slide the switch next to L:, enter your PIN and click Enter.