The Setting page provides administrators granular control over the features and behavior of Cigent and the console. It is critical that each setting be reviewed and configured properly to ensure successful deployments.  


File Encryption page:

Subscription Key:

Subscription Key enables the availability for use of a subscription wide encryption key on Cigent endpoints. This gives users the ability to see and select the subscription key to when encrypting folders or individual files. All defined users in the subscription will be able to decrypt files with the subscription key when enabled.

Recover Key:

Recovery Key adds an extra key to every file encrypted by Cigent to enable recovery in case of emergencies including employee departure or lost private keys. Use of recovery keys can be requested on the Decryption page by administrators and requires approval from Security Approvers.

User Synchronization:

User Synchronization proactively sends public encryption keys for all users defined in the subscription to each Cigent endpoint. When disabled, users must manually add users to their contacts.

Password Protect Keys:

Password Protect Keys will require encryption passwords for each key created in the users page protecting the keys from use without knowing the password.

Restrict Sign In:

Restrict Sign In allows only users defined in the subscription to sign into Cigent endpoints licensed to your subscription. This prevents non-subscription users from signing in to your endpoints as well as your users from signing into their own subscriptions.




The Sensors page controls the visibility and state of available Cigent sensors on all endpoints. Disabling a sensor with remove the sensor from the endpoints UI and disable it.



The Authentications page controls the availability of MFA options on Cigent endpoints. Disabling an authentication option will remove it from being able to be configured and used on each endpoint in the subscription.


The Updates page controls the visibility of the Automatically check for updates control in Cigent endpoints. Disabling this setting will prevent users from being able to disable the automatic ( daily ) checking for available updates to Cigent. It does not control the state of checking, only its ability in the UI.



The Console page enforces customizable intervals on password reset and failed login attempts.