The Users page allows the subscription administrator to add, modify, deactivate and reactivate Data Defense users. Defined users can sign into the console and Data Defense ( for use with file encryption ) and can be assigned different roles to control access.
Add User:
Users will be able to login to the Console and Data Defense ( file encryption feature. ) Depending on the role, the user will have different permissions within the console. The role has no effect on Data Defense capabilities.
First name and Last name (required) are displayed in Data Defense contacts page and can be helpful in correctly identify users for file sharing purposes.
Email address (required) is used as the primary sign in so take care to enter the address correctly.
Role assigns a predefined set of access control and capabilities for the user.
Administrators have access to all features and capabilities within the console including integration management, user creation and policy management. User role only has access to decrypt file page and profile settings for themselves.
Job Title, Department and Location (optional) can be used in searches and will be used in future reporting and group functionality.
Generate User Encryption Keys will automatically generate a public/private key pair for the user which will be stored in the console and sent to Data Defense upon login. Alternatively, you can allow Data Defense to create the keys which can optionally be backed up to the console.
Key Password (recommended) will encrypt the key using the provided password. In order to import the key the user will need to be provided the key password so the administrator should record the password in a separate location and send to the user in a secure manner.
Send this new user an email invitation will send an automated invitation to the user ( from Cigent ) explaining how to complete the setup of their account.
Security Request Approver if checked this user can approve Recovery key requests as well as the addition and removal of other Security Request Approvers. This user status must be approved by current Security Request Approvers.
Expire Users Password:
This will force the selected user(s) to change their password upon next login attempt.
Deactivating a user temporarily prevents the user from further console and Data Defense logins but preserves their state. Use the checkbox next to each user you wish to Deactivate to operate on more than a single users at a time.
Reactivating a user will allow the user to once again login to the console and Data Defense. Their previous login information will be preserved.