Dashboard provides an actionable summary of important activity as well as protections in use across the entire estate.
View Data can be used to change the time window and set of endpoints for which data is displayed in the below widgets.
- Endpoint Overview provides a total of all endpoints and their respective protection status.
- Connected is the count of Cigent endpoints communicating to the console within the last 5 minutes.
- Offline is the count of endpoints not heard from in over 5 minutes.
- Eligible for Upgrade is the number of Cigent deployments not on the current version.
- Endpoints with No Protection are the number of Cigent endpoints with no configured file type, folder protections or secure drives.
- Unconfigured Secure Drives is the number of discovered Cigent Secure SSDs installed in a Cigent endpoint that is not yet setup.
- Protection in Use details the types of data protections in use across the Cigent endpoints displayed in the Endpoint Overview.
- Top Threats displays the top 5 detected threats by count across the View Data scope. Clicking the number next to the threat will launch the Threat History page filtered to the specific threats.
- Top Endpoints by Threats displays the endpoints with the most threats across the View Data scope. Clicking the number next to the threat will launch the Threat History page filtered to the endpoint.
- Threat Activity is an interactive graph of threats over the View Data scope. Users can add a Total threats line to the graph as well as focus in on a single threat by highlighting the row in the legend.